
Classic Sci-Fi films

Tuesday 1 February
Lakeside Theatre, 7.00-8.25pm and 8.45-11.10pm
As part of Strange Lights exhibition at Art Exchange, these two classic Sci Fi Films are shown back to back on the Lakeside Theatre's giant cinema screen, for free! 

Earth Vs The Flying Saucers
1956/Fred F Seaers/USA/83mins/U cert

When invading Martians give Earth sixty days in which to surrender, vigilante scientist Dr Marvin sets about devising a sonic gun that will show ‘em who’s  boss.

2001: A Space Odyssey ~ 8.45pm - 11.10pm
1968/Stanley Kubrick/USA/141mins/U cert

Released at the height of the space race between the USSR and the US,  Kubrick’s epic is one of the greatest science-fiction films ever made.
Admission Free. Book your place by emailing arts@essex.ac.uk