Monday 23 May 2011
Performance Time: 19:30
Venue: Lakeside Theatre
UK/Gilliam/1985/132mins/Cert 15
A bureaucrat in a retro-future world tries to correct an administrative error and he himself becomes the enemy of the state in Terry Gilliam's dystopic, black comedy masterpiece.
Presented by Moving Image.
Please note: This screening was formerly sceduled to be Blade Runner, however due to unforseen circumstances Wivenhoe Moving Image were forced to cancel. Apologies for any inconvenicence caused.
Tickets: Members: £3.00, Non-Members: £4.00, Membership £5 per year.
Venue: Lakeside Theatre
UK/Gilliam/1985/132mins/Cert 15
A bureaucrat in a retro-future world tries to correct an administrative error and he himself becomes the enemy of the state in Terry Gilliam's dystopic, black comedy masterpiece.
Presented by Moving Image.
Please note: This screening was formerly sceduled to be Blade Runner, however due to unforseen circumstances Wivenhoe Moving Image were forced to cancel. Apologies for any inconvenicence caused.
Tickets: Members: £3.00, Non-Members: £4.00, Membership £5 per year.